Consider establishing a Low-Profit Limited Liability Company (L3C)
Low-Profit Limited Liability Companies (L3C):
- Have the advantages generally associated with limited liability companies;
- Highlight and brand an organization as having a social or charitable purpose other than the maximization
of profits; - May provide access to third parties, consumers, strategic partners, investors and others whose interests are
aligned with the organization’s social or charitable purposes
- The same disadvantages associated with LLCs also apply to L3Cs;
- It may be easy to intentionally or unintentionally enter into and leave L3C status depending on the state of
formation; - This is a relatively new variation of LLC and the impact on capital raising is not clear yet;
- The original intent of providing easier access to program-related investments by foundations has not
materialized; - And there is no special federal tax treatment advantages over traditional LLCs.
Download guidance about setting up a Low-Profit Limited Liability Company